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The Search Of The Heart
Hermann of Carinthia, Benjamin N. Dykes
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Járó Katalin
Magyar szólások és közmondások
O. Nagy Gabor
Bábel fiai
Moskát Anita
Evészavarok és testképzavarok
Túry Ferenc, Pászthy Bea
Astrologie für jederman
Heinz Sandauer
Tanuljunk könnyen gyorsan németül
Ernst Häckel
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Lakatos Péter
Három veréb hat szemmel
Weöres Sándor
Álmok (Träume – die geheimnisvolle Sprache des Unbewussten)
Verena Kast

Sky Burial: An Epic Love Story of Tibet

Sky Burial: An Epic Love Story of Tibet - Xinran, Esther Tyldesley, Julia Lovell For the first time in my life I threw a book into the trash. It would have been unethical to re-sell it, offensive to give it away and it's not yet cold enough to burn it. If books like this exist, then I can understand that some think Twilight is a good book. It's not only disgusting, chauvinist propaganda stuff by a stupid and uninformed journalist, it's also so poorly written that if it's worth the paper and the ink, then Stephenie Meyer deserves Nobel Prize.